Mote became pastor of a small Baptist church, and it's reported that he never missed a Sunday in the pulpit for the next 21 yrs. Strong, faith-filled words that came from the heart of one sold out soul living boldly for Christ. He wrote this song on his walk to work one day. He was baptized and went on to lead a long, successful career as a cabinet maker.
He said of his younger days, 'So ignorant was I that I did not know there was a God.' But at age 18 he heard God's Word and it changed his heart - his life. As a young boy, he grew up neglected, spending much of his time on the streets while his parents managed a pub in London. Sometimes we just need to turn it all off and listen to the One voice who matters most.
The Story Behind On Christ the Solid Rock I Standĭebbie McDaniel wrote an amazing article about this hymn on, saying, 'There are lots of opinions and voices are out there for sure.